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Ahriman the Great Guru

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Zurvan                                                 Ahriman








In the Bible of Corruption, we learn about the beginning of the Universe from eyes of Ahriman.  There are other aspects that are looked over because it’s only from one perspective in a first person format.  Building from this esoteric understanding of Ahriman, we look back into Traditional Zurvanism to see the cross comparison of Ahriman to Lord Shiva from Tantric Hinduism.  Though Ahriman is based upon the twisted understanding of Shiva, the reflection is just as clear as the Dark Ages Satan being a twisted reflection of Ahriman.  It must also be kept in mind that Vedic Hinduism is a bases of duality, where Tantric Hinduism brings about a trinity for universal balance and Traditional Zurvanism brings the trinity idea with the concept of Zurvan and the twin sons Ohrmazd and Ahriman.

The big difference between Tantric Hindu and Traditional Zurvanism is the war that is in constant battle between Ohrmazd and Ahriman, and the fact that Zurvan being the macrocosm is trying to shed his sin of self-doubt which created Ahriman.  That each man as a microcosm must shed the same because of Ahriman’s weapon Aka Manah aka Az (Evil Mind).  Aka Manah is reflection of Maya Shakti, which the veil of ignorance that keeps the mind and will in the segregation of I Am and They are as separate embodiments.  Aka Manah drives evil thoughts and impulses from weapon chosen by Ahriman, which is concupiscence.  This is the Ahrimanic Impulse, the internal vexation to sate our worldly desires or as the RHP calls it, Sin.

As a practicing Traditional Ahrimanist, we are confronted with a conundrum.  How do we attain the Great Liberation without being absorbed back into the Universe and still attain the power of the Siddhis if we are to remain separated from the Collective Consciousness of the majority of mankind?  Through the power of tapping into the Purusha (Universal Essence in the form of Ahriman or Shiva) using a corrupted form of the Kundalini.  Instead of purifying our Chakras through the higher chakras above our crown chakra, we will be corrupting our chakras through the lower chakras below our basal chakra.  Through corrupted practices of Tantric Rites, guided meditations through the 28 layers of Naraka, and using the Vashikaran as a form of greater magic; we shall destroy the balance of the trinity and become able to use power of Parusha through the Naga Manasa as Father Ahriman does.

Looking to Father Ahriman as our Great Guru, we must first look at Him as the Cosmic Force that is.  Much of Ahriman’s power was purposely hidden by the Orthodox Zoroastrianism, or Middle Zoroastrianism.  They also tried to remove Zurvan for the “evolution” of Ahura Mazda being the Supreme Being of Light, which takes away from the dualistic view presented by the prophet Zarathustra in the original Avesta.  This orthodoxy changed the heart of the religion as to bring about a theocracy to the Persian Empire through Xerxes, who went against Cyrus’s law of religious freedom by having the Golden Statue of Marduk smelted down.  Thus creating a duality into a monotheistic religion that was used to control and corrupt the empire, and this a piece of history that will vex mankind by continuing to repeat itself.

So, further back into esoteric understanding of Traditional Zurvanism, we find the raw Ahriman.   “Ahriman, the Devil, is the concretization of God’s own imperfection, his failure of nerve; and if God is ever to become perfect, he must become fully identified with Ohrmazd who personifies his essential wisdom, goodness, and light.”  Plain and simple, God’s imperfection created the Devil who seems to be superior to both Zurvan and Ohrmazd.  “Again, after creating heaven and earth, he can think of no way of illuminating them and has to be instructed on how by to do this by a demon who is a renegade from Ahriman’s Camp.  Similarly, Ahriman who is evil substance for the orthodox, is, for the Zurvanites, evil by choice.  He chooses the sinister weapon offered to him by Zurvan, ‘like unto fire, blazing, harassing all creatures, that hath the very substance of concupiscence (Az/Aka Manah), and himself boasts that’ “it is not that I cannot create anything good, but that I will not.”  And that he might give effect to his words, he created the peacock.”  This also shows, that within Orthodox Zoroastrianism, they limit Ahriman’s power to counter-creation when it can be easily seen that originally Ahriman had the power to create independently and Ahriman’s wisdom was needed to light the Cosmos.

Moreover, in the Zurvanite mythology Ahriman is granted far more power to do harm in this world than the orthodox would concede.  Zurvan had promised to make the first of the twins which came before him king, and, because his essential nature is rectitude, he cannot go back on his word.  Ahriman, then, becomes the Prince of this world…”  This resolves the question of Ahriman’s power, but leaves open as why Zurvan rejected Ahriman.  Could it be Zurvan’s inability to look into the Ebony Mirror that is Ahriman who is Zurvan’s shadow self.

In Zurvanism, first, the twin Spirits are good and evil by choice rather than substance.  Secondly, Ohrmazd in neither omnipotent nor omniscient, whereas for orthodoxy he is both, limited though he is by the opposite principle.  Thirdly, in Zurvanism Ahriman not only displays the signs of a lively intelligence, but also enjoys the undisputed sovereignty of this world…”  Looking back into antiquity, we find that the Devil is lively, intelligent, and rather enjoys his station as the antithesis.  This shows a completely different concept of the Devil that has continued to be dumbed down from Orthodox Zoroastrianism to the King James Version of the Christian Bible, and finally the mischievous imp that was within popular culture in the United States during the 1950’s.

This groping awareness seeks an object outside, and, finding none, an object generates itself without God willing it, and this self-generated object is none other than Ahriman, the Aggressor, whose object now is to destroy God’s essence which is his immutable being.  He seeks to imprison the infinite in the finite, the eternal in the temporal, God in the world.  His aim is nothing less than to do away with unconditioned.”  Here we see the over tones of Ahriman’s will being directed through Aka Manah by harnessing control of the unconscious of God and directing him to destruction through the Ahrimanic Impulse.  Through the corruption of the worldly myriad things and pleasure, the infinite will become trapped in the finite because he must now sate his worldly desires.

…what is evil he gives Ahriman, for Az is not only concupiscence, greed, and lust, it is also Varan, which means not only sexual desire but also religious doubt.  Az, then, in this myth, must represent Zurvan’s doubt-that essential imperfection which lurked deep down in the godhead and, in the course of what perhaps we should call ‘aeveternity’, took shape and materialized in the form of Ahriman.  Zurvan expiates his original sin by becoming embodied in the cosmos and suffering the evil effects of his sin to work themselves out in his own body.  In this he, macrocosm, prefigures the fate of each individual man; and just as he controls human destinies, so does the collective consciousness of mankind-the union of the Fravashis or the external souls-control him.”  In other words, Zurvan removes his sin or doubt, by becoming the Cosmic Body of the Universe.  Through this, the cosmos and all who inhabit it are under attack by Ahriman through the subconscious mind every sentient being that is a part of the collective consciousness, this too include all disembodied spirits and entities.

Az (Aka Manah) is the power that perverts both his natural and his voluntary drives.  Heresy, then, and sensuality are both manifestations of Az.  Nature and will, will and intellect, should all work together, but Az seeks to drive a wedge between them.  Her essential activity is ‘disorderly motions’ or ‘disruption’, and the whole purpose of the creation of the world is to eliminate this element of instability with which Ahriman has armed himself.  Az is the enemy both of the natural order and of reason.  As the enemy of the natural order of life, she also causes death.”  Now let’s reveal what Angra Mainyu actually means.  Angra translates as anguish and/0r anxiety and Mainyu translates as spirit or mentality thus He is the personification of Anguish.  If you take on the mentality of anguish, you easily give into the Ahrimanic Impulse through the Evil Mind to alleviate anguish by the momentary pleasure of sin or vice.  That alleviation is the disruption that causes the corruption.

The Zoroastrian Az, too, is both ‘ignorance’ and ‘thirst’, both ‘wrong mindedness’ and concupiscence; she attacks man both in his body and in his mind.  To the body she ultimately brings death, and, in the sphere of responsible human activity, she seeks to drive a wedge between intellect and will.  In this she is identical with Aka Manah, the Evil Mind.”

 “I created thee, O thou whose adversary is the whore species, and thou wast created with a mouth close to the buttocks, and coition seems to thee even as the taste of the sweetest food to the mouth; and thou art a helper to me, for from thee is man born; but thou dost grieve me who am Ohrmazd.  But had I found another vessel from which to make man, never would I have created thee, whose adversary is the whore species.  But I sought in the waters and in the earth, in plants and cattle, in the highest mountains and deep valleys, but I did not find a vessel for which righteous man might proceed except woman whose adversary is the whore.”  Here is another example of Ohrmazd needed Ahriman’s wisdom to further his goals.  This particular diatribe is referring to the story of Anahita becoming Jahi by rousing Ahriman, after was forced into Hell, and Ahriman kissed Anahita and forever changed her to Jahi.  This “kiss” like in the story of Zahhak was the sexual Tantric Initiation that blessed womankind with menses and the ability to procreate.  Thus furthering Ahriman’s cause to destroy the essence by having another weapon to force concupiscence on mankind because without lust mankind cannot continue over time through the next generation.

As macrocosm (Zurvan) he is subject, like the microcosm, man, to the depredations of Ahriman; and as man is afflicted by disease and sin, so is the poise of the macrocosm upset by the disorderly motion of the planets; and this disorderly motion accounts for the evil lot on Earth that man is sometimes fated to endure.  ‘All the welfare and adversity that come to man and other creatures come through the Seven and Twelve.  The twelve Signs of the Zodiac… are the twelve commanders on the side of Ohrmazd; and the seven planets are said to be the seven commanders on the side of Ahriman.  And the seven planets oppress all creation and deliver it over to death and all manner of evil: for the twelve Signs of the Zodiac and the Seven Planets rule the fate of the world and direct it.”  Here is a glimpse of how these forces interact in the universe, and further in this book we will look into the Guardian Daeva that is over the seven planets and how they interact with our Chakras, thus giving us a cosmic link to create that which destroys the essence of Zurvan.

When first creation began to move, and Zurvan for the sake of movement brought that form, the black and ashen garment, to Ahriman, he made a treaty in this wise: ‘This implement like unto fire, blazing, harassing all creatures, that hath the very substance of Az (concupiscence).  …Zurvan delivered to Ahriman an implement [fashioned] from the very substance of darkness, mingled with the power of Zurvan, as it were a treaty, resembling coal (?), black and ashen.”  The Black and Ashen Garment that is mixed with Zurvan’s power is the equivalent to Shiva cutting off his middle finger to bleed ash and be covered in the sacred ash.  This also shows the complex intermingling of Shiva and Kali as Shiva’s sakti in the cremation burial grounds, by showing Tantric Sexual connotations (concupiscence) between Shiva/Kali and Ahriman/Aka Manah through Kali/Aka Manah being the weapon used by Shiva/Ahriman to destroy Asuras/Ahuras.  Here is also where the concept of the Aghori Shivites being the model of the Yatus (sorcerer) in later Zoroastrianism and the Whore Jahi being the iconic emblem of the witch that makes its way to the Malleus Maleficarum.

Looking through the esoteric antiquity of Traditional Zurvanism, it becomes rather obvious that Ahriman is the Bestower of knowledge from His intimate wisdom of the creator and the creation.  Ahriman, being the dark sinister impulse throughout the cosmos, is the well of knowledge deeply seeded in each persons’ subconscious mind that drive mankind into corruption so that the whole of creation and creator will be destroyed.  It appears the Ahriman enjoys this vengeance against His father and brother, because of the rejection from them as they couldn’t accept or even face their shadow side.  In many ways, as Traditional Ahrimanists, we must gaze deeply into the Ebony Mirror, into ourselves till we accept and love our internal shadow self our Devil hood.  Let us as mortals do what God cannot, so we to can become weapons to destroy God and set reality free from Righteous Tyrant that has plagued the Invisible and the Material Reality for far too long, let us become murders of God and his men shall bow to us!


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