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Erade pedar ghanune khoon khahi ast, alagheye akatasha be a’male anjam shode dar in donya baraye mainyu, ou ke kamyab shod era ghaza dahad pedari angra khahad dasht. Aya solte gary va ghodrat dary, ey Mainyu, Ghodrati sharoor va palid, Anchenan ke to ra tashvigh be anjam anche mikhaham bokonam, hatta hemayat kardan az yatus haye palidat? Ma varastegi ra kenar nahade’im, ham fereshtegan va ham ensanhara. bogzar to Da’eva ha palidihaye khaste shode va hamrahane no’e bashar, baraye sherart jalbe yatus shavand ke tavassote payambare Ahriman amuzesh dade shode’and, baraye fesade sharoore zehne shar, ta vejdan betavanad be tamayolatash beresad. Man do’a va nyayesh mikonam barayae manfa’ate sharr’e ghavanine marasem ke bayad khaste shaved va bashad ke angra mainyu in ra mohaghagh konad va afzayesh dahad in tamayol ra. palidi badtarin shararat ast, garche kamyabi niz hast, kamyab kasist ke ba palidye ashoobnak ast.
What the above is, the corrupted sacred formula used in the Devil’s Yasna to attain a reward that fits your desires directly to Ahriman Himself. English, Persian, and speaking Persian is provided. This what the Zoroastrians call a Manthra which is a reflection of Vedic Mantra. Here is how you appeal to the Devil for the reward of your Evil Thought, Evil Word, and Evil Action.
Persia Translation provided by the Great Persian Beast, Herbad.
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